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The company

Establishing the profession of Low Vision Therapist in Greece!

Vision rehabilitation and special needs education counseling

The aim of the company is to provide process driven services inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Low Vision Therapist

The Low Vision Therapist is the educational specialist, with a university degree and background qualifications as a teacher, an occupational therapist, an ophthalmic nurse or an orthoptist. The main duties of the Low Vision Therapist are to make a holistic assessment of the patient from functional perspectives, to motivate the patient for training, to carry out an efficient individualized low vision training program, and to ensure that environmental adaptations at school, work and home and follow-ups are performed (Bäckman, 2000, p. 4). 


Vision Rehabilitation is an one-person service company which will be founded 2025 by Georgia Pantazopoulou. The company will be based in the city of Patras, in Greece and will be registered with the Greek tax authorities. The tax registration number is (coming under 2025)


The Office is in a private building in a quite neighborhood with parking. 


The visiting address is: Theofilou Chatzimichail 4, 26335 Patras, Greece. 


The prices vary depending on factors like the duration and the content of the provided service. 

You prepay the fee within 5 working days after you have scheduled a consultation or signed up for a webinar. When you have paid the fee, you will receive the receipt and further information about your scheduled appointment and/or planned webinar. 

When you have paid for a webinar and/or an online consultation you will receive a weblink to the digital meeting as well. 


The company acts in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and has taken all the necessary measures to protect collected personal data concerning the clients. 

In addition, the company maintains the security and confidentiality of written and spoken information concerning the privacy and health of the clients. All information collected during the services is protected with absolute confidentiality according to the Greek regulation about Medical Confidentiality


The entire work and the services of the company are inspired and guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. 

Patron Saint

Saint Nikoforos the Leper and Wonderworker is the Patron Saint of the company. Saint Nikiforos lost his sight as a consequence of leprosy and acquired blindness as an adult. The Orthodox Church of Greece celebrates his memory on the 4th January which coincides with the World Braille Day which also coincides with the Birth Anniversary of Louis Braille!

Process driven services

A process driven approach is applied to provide the services. The process consists of the following four stages: assessment, plan, intervention and evaluation.



The process of the (re)habilitation starts with an in-depth assessment meeting to determine your individual rehabilitation needs. You will be asked to answer questions about your eye history, your overall health condition and how visual impairment affects your ADLs, for example reading, writing, orientation, traveling, computer use, work, television viewing etc. During this visit your visual function status will be comprehensively assessed to determine which assistive technologies, devices, learning methods and tools, strategies and techniques will help you. For infants, young children and adults with comorbidities, such a process is guided largely by parents or family members.  



Then, based on the assessment, an individual written vision rehabilitation plan will be developed to address your individual goals. This plan will specify your goals for improving vision for the performance of ADLs, what ADLs will be addressed, and how long the instruction is expected to take. All the necessary devices and information about their use will be included. The plan indicates approximately how much and what kind of instruction is required, and what you can reasonably expect to be able to do when the instruction is completed. Every person with visual impairment is an unique individual with different strengths, needs and goals, so your vision (re)habilitation program will be personalized. It is a tool to accomplish the best possible (re)habilitation results. 



A vision (re)habilitation plan may incorporate a series of interventions formed to fulfill your goals. It may for example include educational information for you and your family, counseling in learning tools and methods, training in assistive technologies and devices etc. Carrying out the plan may take several sessions. Periodic monitoring follow-ups may also be recommended to adjust your (re)habilitation treatment for any potential changes in your visual status or your environment. 



The process ends with an evaluation of your implemented interventions to measure whether and to what extent the goals of your (re)habilitation plan were achieved. The evaluation can be conducted via a session, a phone call or a questionnaire. Evaluation of the implementation of the intervention program in your vision (re)habilitation plan is an important part of the company's quality management to constantly improve the services. 


Bäckman, Örjan (2000) Re-establishing reading skills of elderly low vision patients. Studies on Swedish Low Vision Clinic Clients. Stockholm: Karolinska Institute.

© 2025 by Vision Rehabilitation

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