Georgia Pantazopoulou, MEd
Low Vision Therapist & Special Needs Education Advisor
Georgia Pantazopoulou is a philologist with a Master's degree in Visual Impairment - Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Professional Cooperation from Stockholm University, Sweden. In her postgraduate thesis, which was conducted under the guidance of the Swedish and international pioneer in low vision rehabilitation Dr. Örjan Bäckman, she focused on the possible adaptation of the Swedish model of visual (re)habilitation in Greece. She has also conducted studies in teaching the Braille method at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU in Trondheim, Norway.
She has served for two years as a Low Vision Therapist in vision centers at the Habilitering & Hjälpmedel department in Skåne County, Sweden, providing adults with visual impairments with information, support, education and assistive technology services to facilitate their participation in activities of daily living.
She has worked for sixteen consecutive years as an advisor at the Swedish National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools - Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten, SPSM - offering special education support in the form of counselling, information and training to principals and teachers in kindergartens and schools with the aim of making the learning environment accessible for children, pupils and adults with mild, moderate and severe visual impairment, blindness as well as cerebral visual impairment (CVI). In addition, she has provided professional development for teachers in the form of lectures, seminars and a series of digital and face-to-face courses. In 2021 she participated as an expert in the creation of the support material Visual Impairment and blindness - an informative support material aimed at school principals and teachers in Sweden.
She is currently working on founding Vision Rehabilitation company and establishing the profession of Low Vision Therapist in Greece.